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Early Philadelphia Silhouette

Year: 18th century - early 19th century

Weight:1 lbs


Another silhouette from a large collection of items purchased years back from an heir of Casper Wistar. Many historical artifacts were acquired at that time some ended up in varies collections including Winterthur Museum. Along with many other things were a large group of miniatures and silhouettes ,some were unframed and have since been framed by me. Many are Wistar,, Pennock and other were prominent Philadelphia families. This particular cutting is of E. Sellers probably Elizabeth . The Sellers family were Quakers their ancestral home was built in 1684 “Sellers Hall” Provenance available. Most certainly cut at the Peale Museum. Possibly byMoses Williams, American, 1777 - c. 1825. Made at Peale's Museum, Philadelphia as he is known to have cut another of the Sellers family member portrait.



