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Dr Casper Wistar Engraving

Year: 1800-1850

Weight:2 lbs


Early colored engraving of Doctor Casper Wistar taken from a well know painting by Thomas Sully. This particular piece was purchased from a direct descendant of Casper Wistar the founder of the Wistarburg glass works in Alloway New Jersey in the early 18th century. Provenance available. Aproxx. 8" x 10" there are many variations of engraving of this important man this is not one of the more common engravings that turn up. 

Caspar Wistar, by Thomas Sully, 1830.

One of the early Republic's most prominent American physicians and men of learning, Caspar Wistar chaired the Department of Anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, wrote the first American textbook on anatomy, and was an early advocate of the use of vaccinations. To better teach his medical students, Wistar also introduced life-sized anatomical models made of human limbs and organs that became the core collection of the Wistar and Horner Museum, the nation's first anatomical museum. A man of varied interests, Wistar was also a skilled botanist and one of the nation's leading paleontologists.
